‘Celebrate Power Within’! Seven Ways to Activate the Power Within YOU!

‘Celebrate Power Within!’


Time To Celebrate Your Innate Power!

This month, I thought it would be a great idea for us as individuals, to ‘Celebrate Power Within’; to acknowledge and celebrate how we tap into our inner resources to overcome life’s many obstacles. I would love you to share your stories of powerful moments in the face of adversity. Tell me how you displayed your inner power – the Powerful You, who you perhaps didn’t know existed – to overcome a difficult situation.

How did it make you feel? Share your story of a powerful moment, whilst facing a major setback. What obstacles or fears did you have to overcome to feel enlightened or Powerful Within? What did you conquer to feel like Superman or Wonder Woman?

Send me a Tweet at @Ms_P_Foster with #CelebratePowerWithin + your story of triumph over adversity.

I’ll share your tweets/messages of ‘inner power’ below on my blog! Feel free to leave your messages or responses. Let’s celebrate!

‘Celebrate Power Within’! Seven Ways to Activate the Power Within YOU!

Life sometimes has a way of dampening our spirits; creating obstacles and challenges that can block our path to happiness and success. We all have the innate power within, to flourish and live life to our highest potential. How can you access this innate power? Click HERE to find Seven possible ways to activate the power within YOU!

Read messages in response to the original post May 2012:
@estherpoyer: 6/8wks ago I started taking raw juices. Life transformed! #Adversity to happiness at the speed of light. #CelebratePowerWithin


@Ms_P_Foster: Today was an incredible day. As my thoughts become more positive, many amazing outcomes are #manifesting. #CelebratePowerWithin

@Ms_P_Foster: #CelebratePowerWithin I chose 2 see the higher self of some1 who had spoken negatively 2 me; positively shifted our relationship

This entry was originally posted on Saturday, May 12th, 2012 at 3:01 am at http://patriciafoster.blog.com/2012/05/12/celebrate-power-within/ and is filed under #CelebratePowerWithin, Celebration, Coaching, consultancy, Creativity, Energy, Female, Healing, Health, Holistic, poetry, Power, Reiki, Spiritual, Triumph, Wellbeing, Woman, Women.

© Patricia Foster 2012