‘At The Inkwell London’ Christmas Special! Thursday December 15th 2016. Doors 6:30pm. Show 7-9pm. CHANGE TO LINEUP! Featuring: Abby Ladbrooke, Cath Drake, Jude Cowan Montague and Jane Grell. Hosted by Poet Patricia Foster and writer/journalist Rachel Rigby. Counter Albion, 45 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch E2 7DJ.

‘At The Inkwell London’ Christmas Special!
Thursday December 15th 2016

Counter Albion Café, 45 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch, London E2 7DJ.


Doors: 6:30pm. Show 7-9pm
There has been a slight change to our lineup!

Featuring: Abby Ladbrooke, Cath Drake, Jude Cowan Montague and Jane Grell

FREE! Open mic too!

Literary feast of writers served up just for you.

Healthy delicious food and drink to purchase. 
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1274110802660527/

Original Design by Monique Lewis. Image by Patricia Foster.

I feel really honoured to be co-hosting the final ‘At The Inkwell London’ of 2016. What a year it has been. The US reading series, devised and founded by the brilliant and talented Monique Lewis, has really captured the imagination of writers and audiences in London since its July 2016 launch in the UK. 

Myself and my wonderful co-hosts Rachel Rigby and Gemma Weekes look forward to bringing you more from ‘At The Inkwell London’ in 2017.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2017!
Meet our features below:


Jude Cowan Montague

Jude Cowan Montague is an artist, writer and composer whose work may be playful, truthful, mysterious and subversive. She explores story, song, and visual ideas. The worlds she creates are often inspired by her professional life in broadcast media. Her most recent collection of poems ‘The Wires:2012’ (2016) is published by Wisdom’s Bottom Press.


Jane Grell

Jane Ulysses Grell is a storyteller, writer, teacher, poet and singer. She was born and grew up on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Her poetry and storytelling are imbued with the love of the music of words in the spirit of the vibrant African-Caribbean Oral Tradition.
Jane has worked extensively with children, young people and adults in most London boroughs and beyond. She has presented stories and poetry for BBC Radio Schools’ Programmes.

Her poetry collections – Praise Songs and White River Blues conjure up a vivid landscape which embraces both the traditional and the modern and explore journeys, memories and loss through poems both tender and exuberant. 

“Jane, it would seem that some of Ananse’s stories went to you. You tell them so well. – Sarah Woodham (Leytonstone Festival 2013)


Cath Drake

An Australian from Perth lured to London in 2001, Cath Drake has been published in anthologies and literary magazines in UK, Australia and US. She has performed in many cafes, bookshops, theatres, festivals and for unsuspecting passers by. She runs writing workshops to recharge creativity and is passionate about taking poetry and creative writing to new spaces. In 2012, she was short-listed for the Venture Poetry Award, awarded an Arts Council England grant and was writer in residence at the Albany Arts Centre café. Cath won the 2013 Mslexia/Seren poetry pamphlet prize and her pamphlet ‘Sleeping with Rivers’ was published in 2014 by Seren Books. It was the Poetry Book Society’s summer choice. Cath’s poetry was included in Best Austrailan Poetry 2014 (Black Inc books) and she was short-listed for the 2015 Manchester Poetry Prize. She is also a copywriter and non-fiction writer and her work includes award-winning journalism, writing for radio, oral history and life stories. 

Cath Drake Communications: http://cathdrakecomms.com/

Poetry and creative work: http://cathdrake.com/

Abby Ladbrooke

ABBY LADBROOKE is an active member of the London Bridge Writers’ group, finds writing thrilling and feels most herself when writing, reading and talking about writing. Abby has attended several short, creative writing courses, with tutors Maggie Hammond, Howard Cunnell, Naomi Wood and Christie Watson. She is co-founder of a boutique recruitment and training company, which has published a pocket book which she co-authored and edited. Abby is part way through her first novel which explores the missed love between two people through the soul of their child never born.

Black History Month Activities With Award Winning Poet and Performer Patricia Foster – October 2016. BHM Workshop at UWLSU, At The Inkwell London Celebrates Black History Month, ‘Southbound: An Evening of Poetry’ (Southwark Libraries).

The UK celebrates Black History Month in October and I would love to share what I’ll be up to this month.
This Wednesday 19th October 2016, I’ll be delivering a poetry workshop for Black History Month. My workshop will be part of the University of West London Students’ Union (UWLSU) Black Histoy Month programme. I very much look forward to it:

Click here for link to UWLSU web page 

On Thursday 20th October, I will be co-hosting the third instalment of the monthly event At The Inkwell London. We will celebrate and acknowledge Black History Month; the rich and varied accounts of migration, belonging, culture and family.

Our featured writers will be

Millie MurrayRacheal Joseph and Nadeem Din-Gabisi.
Please find below a weblink to our official website for this month’s event:


The Facebook Event Page is: 


The event is FREE, but do let us know if you plan to come. The Eventbrite link is: 


Hosts will be writers Gemma Weekes, myself Patricia Foster and Rachel Rigby.

We also have an open mic for anyone who would love to share their work.
At The Inkwell has been created to be a warm, welcoming, encouraging and engaging environment for writers to share and promote their work. I hope this event will provide a positive space for you to hear great work, as well as participate!

Please contact us on inkwellreadings.london@gmail.com if you would like further information, to sign up for the open mic, or read at future events.
Warmest regards,



Patricia Foster, Gemma Weekes & Rachel Rigby

At The Inkwell London Co-hosts

Email: inkwellreadings.london@gmail.com

Website: www.attheinkwell.com
‘Like’ the At The Inkwell Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AtTheInkwell/

Follow At The Inkwell on Twitter: @AtTheInkwell
On Friday 21 October 2016, I will be a feature poet for ‘Southbound: A Evening of Poetry. Also featured will be Zena Edwards, Janett Plummer and Suléy Muhidin.

Newspaper article of Southwark Libraries BHM events in October 2016. Photos include Zena Edwards and Patricia Foster

“Four talented performers Patricia Foster, Zena Edwards, Suléy Muhidin and Janett Plummer reveal a window into their lives through moving, funny, fierce, and inspirational poetry. South London life – sometimes frustrating, often surprising – forms a consistent thread through the poems as they reflect global worries, personal hopes and diverse backgrounds.

Target Audience: Adults

Cost: Free – but advance booking is essential via Eventbrite

Book your space via Eventbrite:


Fri, October 21, 2016

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM BST

Camberwell Library

48 Camberwell Green



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